so it is...
Perhaps i could start off a little about myself. Just your typical day-to-day average Singaporean, a quarter century of age, battling compulsive problem-drinking, and useless hours on the internet. But as always finding it delightful in the company of pleasurable female counterparts, but of course still maintaining a healthy cohort of testosterone-driven mates, always on the hunt for a good meal with good company, am just largely a gin drinker, a pipe-smoker measured with some healthy amounts of beer drudgery, while still trying to work on an online publication for a wow-ing someone, that teaches men etiquette in dating members of the opposite sex. With that, i often think myself as being every lady's man out there, but also a people's person of course. But these days i really still find myself deviating from my course of writing this publication, as i put my theory into practice. (look who's talkin')

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